Final Thoughts on “Down the Road”

After all these years I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you can now stream “Down the Road” on YouTube, Tubi, Amazon (Prime Video), and others:
Amazon (Prime Video):
EDIT: “Down the Road” now has over 1.5 million views on YouTube! That’s absolutely insane! We thought maybe we’d get 1,000 in the first year if we were lucky. But we never thought it would get this level of visibility! To all who have watched the film, I thank you immensely. It has made my year, and truly made all the trials and tribulations of working on this film worth it! Thank you so much!
Final Thoughts
Well, after 12 years of working on the blog (the original “DtR Production Blog” on Blogger), I am finally finished with “Down the Road”. And what a journey it’s been. I’ve probably already said all there is to say in my previous posts there, about the joys, the struggles, and the years it took toiling away to make this labor of love a reality. And of the lessons learned, about filmmaking, about life. This has thus far been the most challenging project of my life, the greatest learning experience, and the greatest reward in seeing it to its completion. And it is only the beginning.
Finishing “Down the Road” has given me a near infinite source of inspiration for my next project (or series of projects). A multitude of story ideas now swirl in my head, branching from the singular experience of making this film. Inspired by both the good and the bad, the things I did right and the things I did wrong, and pondering on where I might be in life had I never tackled this project in the first place… and where I am because I did. And I believe this next step, this next feature film and series of projects I’m working on, will be my first real foray into professional filmmaking, and with any luck my ultimate career. And I can say without a doubt that I am just as excited about this new project as I was when I first started “Down the Road” all those years ago. And the plethora of lessons I learned with “Down the Road” will make this next film something even more special. So here’s to “Down the Road” and the crazy long journey it’s been. I had a blast!
– Erik (Director)